For this article, we’ve asked 40 of the world’s most dynamic travelers and travel bloggers what their top travel resolutions for 2015 are! Let’s take a look at what they’ve said, shall we?
Read their stories, be inspired, and make 2015 your most adventurous year yet!
Check out part 1 with even more resolutions from your favorite travel bloggers here.
Click on any link to read the 2015 travel resolutions from your favorite traveler.
1. Mapping Megan with Megan Jerrard
2. Xpat Matt with Matt Gibson
3. Traveling Curiously with Chaitanyah Shah
4. Renegade Travels with Manfred Te
5. 100 Country Challenge with Yuriy Vilner
6. True Nomads with Justin Carmack
7. The Crowded Planet with Margherita Ragg
8. Backpacker Banter with Chris Stevens
9. Mi Viaje por el Mundo with Alejandro Nuñez
10. This Could Lead to Anywhere with Kate Brennan
11. Adventures Around Asia with Richelle Gamlam
12. Hanna Travels with Hanna Sobczuk
13. 1Dad1Kid with Talon Windwalker
14. A Backpacker’s Tale with Stephen Schreck
15. Live Dream Discover with Sarah Hughes
16. Hitchhiker’s Handbook with Ania Moch
17. My Tan Feet with Samantha Wei
18. A Nerd at Large with Steph Spencer
19. P.S. I’m on My Way with Trisha Velarmino
20. McCool Travel with Charles McCool
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Megan Jerrard | Mapping Megan
What are your biggest travel resolutions for the new year and why?
To spend more time “in the moment”. All too often I’m overly swept up in snapping the right camera angle, or posing for a shot, or worrying about how I’m going to present the adventure in a blog, or even planning or daydreaming about the next trip!
My resolutions for 2015 are to travel and be more “in the moment”, separate myself from technology and just enjoy where I am and what I’m doing at the time. Everything else can wait!
What do you plan to do differently this year? How will you improve upon the past?
Put a little more planning into our trips. We’ve taken some amazing trips throughout 2014, though the one thing we have come to realize is that we often travel to a place just to tick it off our bucket list, and don’t truly know what’s actually there to see. As such we get to a place and spend either half the afternoon researching instead of exploring, or wandering aimlessly not having a real structure or anything to do.
We have decided to start planning travel to destinations based on our interests and what we actually want to do, as opposed to just traveling somewhere for the sake of saying we’ve been.
What were some of your favorite adventures from this past year (2014)?
We were fortunate enough to have a fairly epic and adventure filled year in 2014! We managed to pack in everything from surfing in Costa Rica, sandboarding Huacachina, Peru (world’s tallest sand dunes), climbing Machu Picchu, visiting Easter Island, biking “Death Road” in Bolivia, white water rafting in Iceland, fishing for piranhas in the Amazon, snorkeling with sea turtles in the Galapagos – and that’s just to name a few!
What else do you want to do before you die?
Cruise to Antarctica – if I could only take one last trip in my lifetime it would be here. I would absolutely love stepping onto the Antarctic continent, to witness colonies of Penguins, whales, and kayak between glittering icebergs. This for me is the ultimate adventure of a lifetime.
Matt Gibson | Xpat Matt
What are your biggest travel resolutions for the new year and why?
I want to visit north and west Asia this year. This past year I’ve felt a strong urge to go to Mongolia, Western China, Tibet, Nepal, and Bhutan. If I can visit those countries this year, I will be very happy.
What do you plan to do differently this year? How will you improve upon the past?
This year I would like to spend more time unplugged and offline exploring remote places. I’ve always enjoyed the outdoors and visiting hard-to-get-to places, but as a blogger I’m always trying to stay online so that I can work, which has prevented me from traveling to those kinds of places in recent years. This year I want to stop blogging from getting in the way of those journeys.
What were some of your favorite adventures from this past year (2014)?
My photographic tour of Sri Lanka was definitely one of the highlights of my travels this year. I also spent 10 days mountain biking around Angkor Wat which was memorable, although a melancholy experience because of other recent events in my life.
What else do you want to do before you die?
Although I love traveling and travel quite a bit, travel has never been a major goal of mine. I don’t have a a bucket list and I won’t be disappointed if I don’t visit all — or even most — of the world. The things I’d like to accomplish most before I die (in no particular order) include:
1) Spend lots of time with my family each year
2) Spend lots of time surfing and snowboarding
3) Find a way to use my work as a writer and blogger to help improve the lives of people around the world who need some help
Chaitanya Shah | Traveling Curiously
What are your biggest travel resolutions for the new year and why?
In the new year I really want to make it to TBEX Bangkok. I’d really like to meet so many of the bloggers I read online and admire. I’d also like to meet people who work in the tourism industry and understand the tourism business better. That’s the serious stuff, I’d love to explore Thailand and it’s amazing islands. I’m not a beach bum but I would easily live on an island forever.
What do you plan to do differently this year? How will you improve upon the past?
I really want to spend time on growing my skill sets. I spent a lot of hours on the internet in 2014 trying to improve my skill sets, but I’ve come to realise that it is only counts when you put it use. So in 2015, I’m going to spend a lot of time outside, learning new things by actually doing it.
What were some of your favorite adventures from this past year (2014)?
All of my 2014 was dedicated to just one thing – That’s my new travel venture that helps travellers connect with locals for culinary & cultural experience and it’s free. I spent all my savings on this and I’ve enjoyed this as much as my trip to Russia in 2013. I know this would sound very dry and boring but believe me it is an exhilarating feeling to create something that’s actually going to impact a lot of people in the future.
What else do you want to do before you die?
I’d love to visit over 100 countries.
I’d like to try out Virgin Galactic
Work on an English farm in the Yorkshire dales
Visit Oymyakon, Russia
Travel from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok in a train.
Stay in Hammerfest, Norway
Stay in Dar es Salaam
Manfred Te | Renegade Travels
What are your biggest travel resolutions for the new year and why?
We’ll spend the first five months of 2015 travelling around Europe. It will be my wife’s first ever time there, and my first time back in almost five years since moving to Southeast Asia. So it’s a mixture of a brand new adventure for her and revisiting old favourites for me. But this will also be the longest that I’ve spent travelling around Europe, as my previous visits were just for a few weeks at a time. We are planning to visit around 15 countries and will travel by first Class train, so this will be more comfortable than our recent travels around Southeast Asia. The reason we chose Europe is because it will give my wife a chance to meet my friends and family and for me to catch up with them. After almost five years in Southeast Asia I also want to experience a European winter again. I didn’t think I’d miss European winters, but I do.
What do you plan to do differently this year? How will you improve upon the past?
As already mentioned, we will be travelling in more style this time. When we travelled around Southeast Asia we stuck to a $60 per day budget and were quite strict with this. For Europe we have budgeted $150 per day, although we don’t mind going slightly over budget if it means having a better time. As well as travelling by first class train, which isn’t much more expensive than second class, we’ll also be staying in some high-quality accommodation. This will likely be a mixture of hotels and apartments. We will have a month where we visit around eight cities and will then slow down and spend a few weeks in each place.
What were some of your favorite adventures from this past year (2014)?
The highlights from 2014 were our visits to Seoul and Hong Kong. When travelling, big cities are our preferred destinations, so visiting these two was a real treat. My favourite city of all time is New York, and Hong Kong reminds me of that it lots of ways, although it is also English in many ways. Seoul was fantastic as well and we’ll definitely be going back soon, and also visiting other towns in South Korea.
What else do you want to do before you die?
I hope we both have plenty of time before that happens! As well as continuing to travel we would also like to set up a more permanent base in Thailand. At the moment we rent a condo while we’re here and then move out when we go travelling. But it would be nice to have somewhere permanent to come back to instead of having to find a new condo to rent ever year. We like to travel for around six months a year and spend the rest of the time back at base. This is Bangkok at the moment, but we’re considering Chiang Mai as a base. But I guess Bangkok is favourite at the moment.
Yuriy Vilner | 100 Country Challenge
What are your biggest travel resolutions for the new year and why?
My single travel resolution for 2015 is to visit 25 new countries. This will keep me on pace to achieve my larger objective to visit 100 countries before I turn 30. The targets are arbitrary and force me to cover much ground in little time, but my current purpose is to decide where I should spend my 30s and beyond. Then again, I’ll probably remain a nomad.
What do you plan to do differently this year? How will you improve upon the past?
One my more ambitious resolutions is to significantly reduce, if not eliminate, alcohol consumption from my nomad lifestyle. In 2015, I expect to increase my focus and productivity, achieve personal fitness highs, build more durable relationships, and save a hell of a lot of cash. All as a result of one decision.
What were some of your favorite adventures from this past year (2014)?
Exploring Bangkok, Angkor Wat, and Ha Long bay with my mom: I always look for ways to share my greatest passion with the ones who matter most. New Year’s Eve in Buzios deserves an honorable mention: Brazilians truly know how to celebrate life.
What else do you want to do before you die?
My namesake Yuri Gagarin, the first human in space, died a true explorer. I can only hope for a similar ending.
Justin Carmack | True Nomads
What are your biggest travel resolutions for the new year and why?
My biggest resolutions are two part. First I want to make sure I have a passive income so that I don’t ever have to stop traveling. The second part is I want to get to my 100th country. (72 now)
What do you plan to do differently this year? How will you improve upon the past?
This year I want to start vlogging. The one thing I never got into was making videos, even though I’ve always wanted to make cool travel documentaries. This year I’ll start learning and doing them. I’m even launching a Kickstarter campaign to get started here in Guatemala.
What were some of your favorite adventures from this past year (2014)?
Oh man there were so many. The biggest thing I’m glad I did was complete the PADI Divemaster course in Egypt, and start getting into underwater photography. That was something I always wanted to do, and I finally got into it. Now I’m addicted.
What else do you want to do before you die?
Oh so much. Visit every country, visit Antarctica, make a big round-the-world dive/travel documentary, open a dive center and hostel in South Pacific, go overland from London to Beijing via Silk Route. The list never ends.
Margherita Ragg | The Crowded Planet
What are your biggest travel resolutions for the new year and why?
I’d say the main travel resolution is to go back to full-time travel. After a period of being on the road full time, we’ve been based in Milan and, even though we were still able to travel 3-4 months a time each year, it just wasn’t the same as full time travel. Having a flight ticket back just makes everything different, even if you’re a slow traveller by nature. It just isn’t the same.
What do you plan to do differently this year? How will you improve upon the past?
I would really like to learn to plan my trips better. For ages, I’ve been proud of being a ‘random’ kind of traveller. i wouldn’t plan anything, just rock up, often without knowing anything about the country. It’s great if you’re a backpacker, but as a blogger I really need to learn to plan my trips. Or I might miss amazing stuff!
What were some of your favorite adventures from this past year (2014)?
Our big trip in 2014 was to Madagascar. It’s a stunning country, full of nature, wildlife and adventures. Landscapes are so diverse, within a few hundred miles you might go from mountains, to canyons, to rainforest and deserts. There are very few tourists, and for an independent travel it’s kind of a challenge to get around. But it makes the adventure even better!
What else do you want to do before you die?
That’s a great question. I’ve fulfilled so many of my dreams, but the list keeps getting longer and longer. Iran was at the top of my list, but I’m actually flying there tomorrow! I’d say Nepal is another place I’m dying to go to, after canceling a trip there a few years ago. I’m already planning to travel there in september! Talking about proper ‘dream’ material, I would say Antarctica and the BAM railway east of Siberia. I’ve no doubt I’ll get there sooner or later though!
Chris Stevens | Backpacker Banter
Hmm travel resolutions, well actually I tend not to have resolutions as such – more goals! This year I’m aiming to finally visit Fiji as well as utilise my New Zealand working holiday visa…should be a fun new adventure!
What do you plan to do differently this year? How will you improve upon the past?
As with 2014 I want to slow my travelling down. After 4 years on the road I’m less worried about blasting through experiences, more about kicking back and really enjoying the places I visit. That’s part of the reason I’m doing my visa in NZ – I’m looking forward to spending some serious time exploring the land of the long white cloud!
What were some of your favorite adventures from this past year (2014)?
2014 was pretty crazy travel wise for me – there’s 3 countries that were all huge highlight though; South Africa, Iceland and The Philippines. Experience highlight?! It’s hard to pick! Surfing Jeffrey’s Bay was a huge bucket list tick for me, as was swimming with whale sharks in The Philippines! Catching up with my surf buddies in Ecuador for a few months was fun (as always – my third time back!) and freediving between the continental plates in Silfra was something I didn’t think I’d get around to do for ages! The whole year was heaps fun though!
What else do you want to do before you die?
Hahaha well that’s a pretty big question! A couple of things spring to mind though; building up my new online travel agency is a big goal for me at the moment but travel wise I really want to explore Tahiti, Hawaii and the Mentawais…3 surf destinations that I can’t wait to check out!
Alejandro Nuñez | Mi viaje por el Mundo

What are your biggest travel resolutions for the new year and why?
What do you plan to do differently this year? How will you improve upon the past?
Probably perform a bit more research before arriving to a new place. I love the feeling of uncertainty but because of that I usually tend to pay more or miss some stuff around the new places I go. I am a strong believer that all cities behave in a similar fashion, for example usually there are a lot of airport employees that don’t own a car or can pay the taxis every day to go to work. So that means there should be a low-cost transportation in and out to the airport. But this kind of stuff I never research beforehand so when I arrive at a new location I am so tired of traveling that I don’t care to pay extra to get out of the airport to my hostel/hotel but at the end I regret that I didn’t do my research beforehand to avoid this.
What were some of your favorite adventures from this past year (2014)?
I have traveled to so many places and seen so many things but NOTHING compares to seeing Mount Everest in front of you, best experience, not in 2014, in my life.
What else do you want to do before you die?
Kate Brennan | This Could Lead to Anywhere
What are your biggest travel resolutions for the new year and why?
Travel resolutions for the New Year are to enjoy local experiences as much as overseas/exotic holidays. I have a lot to see and promote in the North East of England as well as European travel and a trip to Thailand. Being an enthusiastic tourist in my hometown is a big resolution!
What do you plan to do differently this year? How will you improve upon the past?
I plan to do more overland travel where I can. Trains and buses for me!
What were some of your favorite adventures from this past year (2014)?
My favourite adventures this year were climbing Tikal (Mayan temple) and swimming with sharks in Central America, exploring Hadrian’s Wall in Northumberland UK and visiting the oldest monastery in the Bulgarian mountains.
What else do you want to do before you die?
I would like to be a writer in the future and hopefully publish a novel. Humanitarian work comes high on the list too, give a bit back.
Richelle Gamlam | Adventures Around Asia
What are your biggest travel resolutions for the new year and why?
This year I’m really excited to try out more solo travel. I went on my first big solo trip to Taiwan over the summer, and I can’t wait to push myself to travel on my own again. I’m starting the year off with a bang, and I’ve already planned a trip to Cambodia and Laos in January and Thailand in February! My goal is to push myself to be more spontaneous and adventurous.
I’m normally a huge “planner”, especially when it comes to travel. I like to have everything booked in advance before I go. While this is necessary sometimes (especially if you don’t have much time), I want to push myself to break out of my comfort zone. That’s why I plan on showing up in Cambodia with nothing booked besides one or two nights at a hostel in my arrival city. I want to plan my trip on the go and see how it ends up!
What do you plan to do differently this year? How will you improve upon the past?
This year I want to focus a lot of my energy on making my blog the best it can be. I’ve been working hard the last few months, but it has been difficult to manage grad school, exploring China, and having a life with managing a blog.
Last year I taught English in the Chinese countryside, and I had a lot of free time on my hands. Unfortunately, I wasted a lot of this time feeling sorry for myself, wishing I was in the city. It wasn’t until I threw myself into my blog last spring that things really started to turn around. I think I’ve been doing a great job these past few months managing my new busy life with my blog, and I hope to keep on that path throughout all of next year!
What were some of your favorite adventures from this past year (2014)?
I absolutely loved my solo backpacking trip in Taiwan last summer. I started in Taipei and made my way around the whole island. I relaxed in sulfur hot springs, stuffed my face with amazing food, explored beautiful temples, attempted to learn to surf, rented a motorbike on an aboriginal island, and went river tracing near the famous Taroko Gorge. It was such a great trip, and the best possible way to start out solo travel.
I also had some amazing adventures in Vietnam and Malaysia in February, and I made it up to the Ice Festival in Harbin, China too!
What else do you want to do before you die?
That’s a tough question because there are so many things! As far as experiences go: I definitely want to test out bungee jumping, skydiving and scuba diving. I would also love to save up money and do some long-term travel for at least 6 months.
I know I’ll definitely want to get married and start a family eventually. That part of my life is way in the future, but it is important to me. I’ll probably end up with very global children that have lived parts of their lives in different countries!
Finally, as cheesy as it sounds, I’d love to feel like I made a difference in this world, however small. For me, spreading cross-cultural knowledge and understanding is really important. Especially in a country like China that is so different from the USA. I love encouraging other people to travel to Asia and immerse themselves in a new culture, because I believe that the more cross-cultural communication we have, the better our world will be in the future.
Hanna Sobczuk | Hanna Travels

First of all, I want to organize two or three tours for women. It’s always been my dream to organize tours for women who want to experience some adventure but don’t have the company and they’re afraid to travel alone. I’ve already got itineraries for trips to Sri Lanka and Georgia and Armenia.
However, I also want to do some private travel. I’m thinking about hiking in Europe (maybe in subpolar circle, or Coast-to-Coast trail in England) or maybe I’ll go to Uzbekistan or Morocco as I always wanted to?
Last year I made a lot of resolutions but almost none of them worked out so this year I’ll not make any. Let’s be spontaneous!
What do you plan to do differently this year? How will you improve upon the past?
Most of all, I want to be more adventurous. I don’t want my trips to be ‘just another trip like many others’. I’ll also choose destinations where I can organize tours for women. I think in 2015 my travels will be more calculated.
What were some of your favorite adventures from this past year (2014)?
The best adventure from 2014 for me was traveling totally alone to Sri Lanka. I’ve always wanted to do some solo backpacking outside Europe but I’ve been afraid. One day I decided that I just have to do this, I cannot postpone my dreams all the time! So I booked the tickets and spent 3 amazing weeks backpacking around Sri Lanka. I moved my personal horizon, tried myself and now I want to go somewhere totally alone again! In Sri Lanka I took part in a safari and saw a leopard, which was another dream I’ve fulfilled.
What else do you want to do before you die?
Talon Windwalker | 1 Dad 1 Kid
I don’t really do resolutions. I change things as I identify them during the year. As far as travel goes, we never plan too much as we prefer to allow for spontaneity. Like when we went to Prague and ended up staying 2 months and wanted to remain longer. Our biggest thing for 2015, though, is to find a long-term base. We want a sense of local community and a home to return to. The current idea is we’ll settle in Romania and take a shorter trip every 3 months or so. Also planning on celebrating my birthday in France as it’s the same day as their national holiday. That’s been a dream since I was a little boy.
What do you plan to do differently this year? How will you improve upon the past?
We’ll be traveling less frequently and for shorter duration. We plan on exploring more of Eastern Europe for sure. The next year will probably have more of a focus on entrepreneurship as well. I’d like to get some other businesses/income streams off the ground.
What were some of your favorite adventures from this past year (2014)?
Even though it was quite difficult, visiting Auschwitz was definitely a highlight in terms of its impact. Our time in Prague was an absolute highlight as was celebrating New Year’s in Vienna. Our time in Scotland and Portugal was also quite enjoyable, and I fell in love with Edinburgh which was a surprise.
What else do you want to do before you die?
Stephen Schreck | A Backpacker’s Tale
What are your biggest travel resolutions for the new year and why?
My biggest travel resolution is to travel slower. Sometimes I get so excited about all the things to see in a country that I rush around non-stop. This year I want to move at a slower pace, get to really know the cities I visit, and get a more local experience.
What do you plan to do differently this year? How will you improve upon the past?
Every year I have some amazing adventures. This year I have one massive adventure planned that will take months. In May, I am planning on doing a season on a tall ship. Tall Ships are like the ones you see in Pirates of the Caribbean movies. This is my cousin and brother’s career, and so I figure this year I will join them on the ship which will be sailing around the coast of America and through the Caribbean.
This is a completely different type of travel than I am used to, and I think sailing will help me grow as an adventurer, writer, and traveler.
What were some of your favorite adventures from this past year (2014)?
You know 2014 was a pretty amazing year for me in terms of adventures. I went squid jigging in Malaysia which is a traditional way to fish for squid, scuba diving in Thailand, and skydiving in New Zealand.
My biggest year for adventures was 2013. I drove a beat up car 1/3 of the planet in the Mongol Rally, ran with the bulls, and was stranded on a sinking life boat during a tropical storm.
I am really excited for 2015. It is shaping up to be an epic year!
What else do you want to do before you die?
Haha, the list is endless. While I have completed a lot of the top things on my bucket list, it never gets shorter. In fact, my bucketlist gets longer almost daily. Right now the top things on my bucket list are the hiking to Everest base camp, visiting the Galapagos, and trekking to Machu Picchu.
Sarah Hughes | Live Dream Discover
What are your biggest travel resolutions for the new year and why?
Since we started traveling full time we have been able to spend longer in the places we visit allowing us to better get to know the communities, culture and people that live there. One of the greatest things that has come of this is that it has given us the opportunity to help dispel some of the misconceptions about a place. Some wonderful destinations receive either one sided bad press or no press at all, both of which can keep people from visiting a location that they may really love. One of our travel resolutions for 2015 is to visit more of the destinations that people may discount due a lack of promotion and share our own unbiased opinion based on personal experience. Hopefully we can play a small part in opening up travel to some of the wonderful places in the world that may get overlooked.
What do you plan to do differently this year? How will you improve upon the past?
We plan to focus more on what we call ‘balanced travel‘. Our own personal goal is to travel as we try to live, incorporating a balance of work, play, health, fitness and ‘green’ living. When you travel, short or long term, it’s really easy to lose yourself in the thrill of the experience and put less emphasis on important things like your health. Although we did quite well at maintaining that balance in 2014 we know we can definitely improve.
What were some of your favorite adventures from this past year (2014)?
2014 was an amazing year of travel for us full of exploring, learning and growing but if we had to pick favorites it would have to be visiting Semuc Champey in Guatemala and Cappadocia in Turkey. Both places are full of such incredible natural beauty that it’s almost indescribable. Ironically they are also both in countries that some people may avoid due to negative press which brings us back to the first question asked.
What else do you want to do before you die?
Actually neither of us really believe in bucket lists as there is so much we’d love to do and see in our lifetime that it couldn’t possibly be contained in a list. I don’t think any of us can ever say we’ve done everything we want to do before we die so we just try to live every day to the fullest and appreciate everything we’ve already done…which honestly feels like a lot!
Ania Moch | Hitchhiker’s Handbook
What are your biggest travel resolutions for the new year and why?
For me 2015 is all about our big upcoming adventure ‘The Long Way Home’ in which we will be visiting 13 countries (Turkey, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) and covering over 27,000 km by thumb in 10-11 months. My resolution? To learn fascinating Asian dishes, play as many local games as possible, explore new music and find a new place to live.
What do you plan to do differently this year? How will you improve upon the past?
Our trip is a little different from all those we have done before as this time we will be recording our journey. This means that we have to learn a completely new skill set which will be fun as well. I would like to explore new film making techniques and capture some of the wonderful moments we have on the road for others to enjoy. Our next trip will also be longer than any we have done before so I hope that it will test the limits of my endurance and I will find out how far I can really push myself.
What were some of your favorite adventures from this past year (2014)?
Although we usually hitch-hike long distances in foreign countries, the past year, in England, we hitch-hiked to a wedding carrying a huge wedding gift which was a new and fun experience for us. The wedding was really nice too 🙂
What else do you want to do before you die?
My dream is to go paragliding and its something I aim to do once we get back from the trip. Learning languages is a passion and it would be great to master Russian and Mandarin which I recently started studying. And I would obviously love to see as many places as I humanely can hitch-hike to before I kick the bucket.
Samantha Wei |
What are your biggest travel resolutions for the new year and why?
To go to every country in Central America. Together Yeison and I have traveled to 4 out of the 7 countries in C. America together and it holds a special place in our hearts because that is where we met. The three countries left are Belize, El Salvador and Guatemala. I have heard that all three countries, especially Belize are incredibly beautiful so we can’t wait to explore the rest of that part of the Americas!
What do you plan to do differently this year? How will you improve upon the past?
Plan better. Even though we always think we planned enough, we always forget something and there are always things we wish we knew about a country before we went. I’m not a big guidebook person but I might take a look more often to take note of the more important things because we ran into some dilemmas while we were in Asia that I kept thinking, “I wish I looked this up before we got here!”
I know it’s impossible to plan for everything but it’s always good to know as much about a place before you go, at least the logistics of how to get around, exchanging money, etc.
What were some of your favorite adventures from this past year (2014)?
Some of our favorite adventures were white water rafting in Costa Rica, riding a Vespa around Malaysia and seeing Seattle from a seaplane.
What else do you want to do before you die?
Ahhh that’s such a tough question! We are both very adventurous people so our list grows every month. I really would love to go hot air ballooning and skydiving, I love heights. Yeison wants to learn how to snowboard and fly a A320.
Steph Spencer | A Nerd at Large

My top travel resolution for 2015 is to broaden how I capture my travel memories. I have always relied heavily on photographs and the written word and I’d like to make a conscious effort to shoot more video footage and try other media such as illustrations and audio recordings. However, I draw the line at interpretive dance! I also intend to support more independent businesses instead of chains this year.
What do you plan to do differently this year? How will you improve upon the past?
I have a tendency to massively overthink things, so in the past I set a goal to live in the moment, be spontaneous and not plan everything to the nth degree. Now that I’ve become comfortable with winging it, and traveling without plans, I would actually like to reintroduce a tad more planning into the equation. I guess you could say that I’m seeking the sweet spot on the planning continuum. It’s also become abundantly clear that while I am great and shooting photos, I’m terrible at posing for them, so I want to work on that and reduce the number of cringeworthy snaps of me that are ushered into existence.
What were some of your favorite adventures from this past year (2014)?
2014 was a tremendous year full of stellar adventures. I went ziplining for the first time at Shawnee Bluffs. I went on a Geocaching tour in Helena, Montana. I tried urban fishing, visited the Parthenon, got into costume at the Blackbeard Pirate Festival, and went on an incredible road trip all over Illinois. Out of everything, though, my favourite experience has to be the CN Tower Edgewalk, which was absolutely stupendous. I would do it every day if I could.
What else do you want to do before you die?
All of it. Seriously, that’s not too far off. I have an enormous list that I’m constantly adding to as well as crossing things off of as I complete them. I’m a big believer in setting new goals and making them happen, so I don’t think I’ll ever be finished.
Trisha Velarmino | P.S. I’m on My Way
What are your biggest travel resolutions for the new year and why?
Be more fit. I recently biked the Death Road in Bolivia and I realised I am not as fit as I first came to South America 2 years ago. Since I will be carrying on to Central America, I want to develop a regular routine/exercise to be able to do more physical activities like trekking, biking and mountain climbing.
What do you plan to do differently this year? How will you improve upon the past?
I plan to take everything easy. I was always obsessed with my blog. This year, I want to enjoy all the places I will be visiting, by myself, instead of thinking of how to write a blog post for a certain activity/tourist spot. I want to be closer to myself. As much as possible, I will try to shut down my social media activities for the weekend.
What were some of your favorite adventures from this past year (2014)?
Oh, God. You have no idea. I think it will always be the borders that I crossed in South America starting from Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brasil, Uruguay, Argentina, then back to Bolivia. More than the tourist attractions, I consider this adventure the best one for 2014. I crossed all the borders of South America! (almost)
What else do you want to do before you die?
I don’t know. I pretty much have done everything. Nonetheless, I am surely not afraid to die. Oh, I haven’t been home in years so, whoever will take me, please allow me to see my friends and family first. 😉
Charles McCool | McCool Travel
What are your biggest travel resolutions for the new year and why?
Main one is to maximize and optimize point earning possibilities, for free and upgraded flights and hotels. I am also preparing for an empty nest (my kids are heading to college in September), so my overall travel will increase.
What do you plan to do differently this year? How will you improve upon the past?
My trips will no longer be based on school holidays, so I will have flexibility to travel more in the off season. I will leverage that opportunity into spending less money while visiting places when there are fewer people (and hopefully better weather).
What were some of your favorite adventures from this past year (2014)?
Spent my milestone birthday in Quebec City, after short visits to Steamboat Springs Colorado and Montreal. Explored some country roads and unpaved drives in Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee. A September visit to San Francisco was glorious, an amazing time of the year to visit one of the greatest cities on Earth.
What else do you want to do before you die?