#115 Dreaming of Traveling the World? How I Made it Work

David Evans, founder of Handmade SEO, in Alaska.
The Limitless Life Podcast: Create Your Compelling and Vibrant Future
The Limitless Life Podcast: Create Your Compelling and Vibrant Future
#115 Dreaming of Traveling the World? How I Made it Work

Welcome to another fun episode of the podcast!

Today I’m honored to be joined by a fellow Southern Californian πŸ™‚ He’s a nomad currently calling in from Da Nang, Vietnam. We were neighbors together in San Diego, now both exploring the world.

David Evans in Alaska.

David s running a laptop business, traveling the world fulltime, wherever the wind takes him. He lived in Alaska for a year, traveled extensively through Europe, Asia, India, and Central America.

He started out as a freelancer, and now he’s partnered with an expat and running a full on agency called Handmade SEO which you can see at handmadeseo.co.

β€’ Tips and tricks for making it as a freelancer
β€’ How David finds high-paying clients on Upwork
β€’ The trick David used to cut through the competition and differentiate himself
β€’ Strategies for consulting and converting clients
β€’ Favorite SEO strategies
β€’ Mistakes people make with their marketing activities
β€’ Why experts in a field handicap themselves
β€’ Techniques and tools to gain user feedback and improve websites
β€’ And much, much more!

Hope you enjoy this fun chat between myself and my friend David. If you like our show and want us to keep going, please do take a moment to write a quick review on iTunes.Β We’d like to hear from you!


OpenWorld Magazine